Website Design

KTW London - Website Design

KTW London are an exciting PR agency/content and development consultancy whose aim is ‘connecting the culturally curious’. As someone with a keen interest in the arts it was lovely working with their creative and ambitious team as I saw eye-to-eye with them on design as well as content. Katy Wickremesinghe is the founder and she puts a lot of herself into the business so getting the site right was especially important and it felt like a very personal project. I am proud of the result and enjoyed the challenge of creating a bold site that had a wider colour palette than I would normally use.

Daniel Hunt Fine Art - Website Design

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As an art history graduate it was great to work with Dan and his impressive stock of paintings. I did some of the photography on the site, but as there was so much to do the best thing to do was to hire professional photographer Renato Csatich who is a joy to work with. 

I designed the logo and chose the background colour which is technically a super light greyish orange - it is really neutral and easier to balance than reddish greys. It provides a nice backdrop to the paintings that emulates either an cream wall or a printed page. 

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Stephen Cox R.A. - Website Design

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Working with Stephen has been a pleasure. He is a well established hardstone artist who has works in many major public and private collections. 

The two biggest challenges of this site were the sheer scope and the actual gathering the material. Stephen has been making sculptures for over 50 years and this site serves as the best overview of his body of work. I have visited and stayed with Stephen once a year for the last three years to get a further batch of work scanned, sorted and uploaded.